Joel, this is Marty. I'm Calling You From a Cellphone, a Real Handheld Portable Cellphone!

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Posts: 24

Joel, this is Marty. I'm Calling You From a Cellphone, a Real Handheld Portable Cellphone!

from AdminT on 07/25/2020 08:41 PM

     First fun fact to know: The first cellphone ever was measured to weigh a whole 2.4 pounds. It worked for 30 minutes after charging for 10 hours. This really though, was a grand success.

     April 3, 1973, the first cellphone was born. On this day, Martin Cooper, an executive at Motorola, picked up the device and called Dr. Joel Engel, an engineer at Motorola's rival company, Bell Labs. He says;
"Joel, this is Marty. I'm calling you from a cellphone, a real handheld portable cellphone!"
This is the first sentence ever said on a mobile phone. Wow.
     Hilariously though, a while after Cooper bragged about his invention to Engel, the latter told him he does not even remember the call! Well, it was real. Mobile phone greeted the world.
Martin Cooper on the first mobile phone ever
Martin Cooper on the first mobile phone ever

                 More Improvements Since Then
     Ten years later, 1983, cellphones reached the market. The Motorola DynaTAC was released. It was bulky and heavy and cost approximately $4,000, but if you were alive then, and if you had the money, you would make sure to get one.
     It was only until 1989 that cellphones now began to shrink, and that was the Motorola MicroTac; a flip phone now small enough to fit inside a shirt pocket. Since then, cellphones have achieved a lot of improvent, your phone right there as a living example.

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Reply Edited on 07/25/2020 08:51 PM.

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