Our Favourite Gadget - Phones - History of What, When and How

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Our Favourite Gadget - Phones - History of What, When and How

from AdminT on 07/25/2020 07:41 PM

     During the 1870's, two well-known inventors both independently designed devices that could transmit sound along electrical cables. They had a breakthrough, and in fact, both devices were registered at the patent office just within hours of each other. After this surged a battle between Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell.

     Later, Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone after years of experimenting and soaring to reach somewhere even better than the then popular telegraph. With this, he won the battle.

1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. A 29 year old man.

     On March 10, 1876, the first human communication over telephone came to life.
   "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to speak with you".
Bell says through electrical cables to his assistant in the next room, Thomas Watson. Imagine the surprise and tremendous joy Watson must have felt! It was a bone-breaker for telegraphs which then were only able to transmit morse codes, not HUMAN VOICE!

     More effort was put into developing the gadget, named telephone, and in 1877, a year after; the very first permanent outdoor telephone wires, three miles long, was completed.

             Phone's Development Till Present
- Three years later, just in the 1880's, long distance services were better expanded.
- 1900, coin-operated telephone was installed in Hartford, Connecticut.
- 1962, Telstar was launched. The first international communications satellite. 
- 1980's, the development of optic fibres. Larger volume of calls could be made.
- And lastly, 1980's/1990's till present, huge advances in micro tech and now, mobile phones.

Certainly, if Alexander Graham Bell could look upon this present day at the  evolution of his device, the device which has become everyone's helper and best friend, he would be proud.
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Reply Edited on 07/25/2020 07:46 PM.

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