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23, Männlich

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Beiträge: 4


von Dash am 05.05.2019 08:20

The phenomenon was first discovered in 1896 by a French physicist:Henry Becqurel.

He noted while performing experiement that uranium gave out some kind of rays that would penetrate through thick black paper and affect a photographic plate placed on the other side.

This observation was later confirmed by Mary Curie and her husband Pierre Currie in 1898.

They discovered that that ‘pitchblende’,an Ore of uranium was a more Intense source of radioactivity than uranium.
Then later isolated the first concentrated radioactive substance:polonium and Radium.

Radioactivity is the spontaneous (natural) decay of nucleus of the atom of an element during which it emits α_orβ-(particles) or Y-ray or a combination of any of all the three plus energy(heat).

Natural Radioactivity _is the spontaneous disintegration(decay) of the nucleus of an atom during which α-particles or β-particles or gamma rays or a combination of any of all the three plus heat (energy) are released.

In Artificial Radioactivity-, an ordinary material is made radioactive by bombarding it with radioactive by ‘bombarding’ it with radioactive particles.

Tommorow we will talk about nuclear fission (which will lead to how bombs are made) and Nuclear fusion (Which is connected to the sun we all know).

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26.02.2020 01:10 .


26, Weiblich


Beiträge: 1

Re: Radioactivity.

von Omolo am 06.05.2019 12:29

Nice. Short and simple


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