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21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:46 PM

Ecology of Population
Population ecology is a field of ecology that deals with the dynamics of species populations and how these populations act together with the environment. In population ecology, density-dependent processes take place when population growth rates are synchronized by the density of a population.


Even though population ecology is a branch of biology, it makes available fascinating problems for mathematicians and statisticians who work in population dynamics.

The term population biology is frequently employed interchangeably with population ecology, even though 'population biology' is more commonly used when learning about diseases, viruses, and microbes, and 'population ecology' is made use of more regularly when studying plants and animals.

Population ecology is the branch of ecology that deals with the factors that influence the population size of a particular organism, population growth rate, and spatial dispersion of individuals with populations. Demography is the division of population ecology that deals with statistics associated to human populations.

Factors affecting population size
The factors that affect the population size are:

• The birth rates

• The death rates,

• Emigration, and

• Emigration.

Birth rates and immigration increase the number of individuals in a population while death rates and emigration reduce the number of individuals from a population. When additional individuals are being added to a population than the number that is being removed, it results to a population increase.

On the other hand, when the number of individuals that are being reduced from a population is more than the number that is being added to the population, it leads to a decrease in population size.

Population sizes would normally remain the same when the rate of individuals that are removed from it is equal to the rate of individuals that are added to it.

Such a population is said to be in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

Factors that affect population growth rates
Population growth rates are affected by relations between the abiotic and biotic environment. Climactic factors like precipitation and temperature can have great direct and indirect effects on population sizes.

Temporal rises and falls in abiotic conditions can be crucial causes of disparity in population sizes. Biotic factors like competition and predation can directly and indirectly influence population sizes.

Population dynamics can be affected by interactions with members of their own species (like intraspecific competition) and members of dissimilar species (like interspecific competition, predation, and mutualism).

Models of population growth
These are mathematical models developed by population ecologists to study the growth of populations. The simplest model of population growth is the exponential growth model which presupposes that the per capita growth rate -the change in population size/time/individual is constant.

Due to populations growing exponentially keep on growing at an increasing rate; the exponential growth model is not a practical model for the majority of populations.

The logistic growth model is a more practical model due to the fact that it permits the per capita growth rate to change with population size.

The carrying capacity, the population size at which the population growth rate equals zero, is attained when the per capita birth rate (# births/time/individual) is equal to the per capita death rate (# deaths/time/individual).

In logistic growth, birth and death rates are dependent on density; as population size increases, the per capita birth rate reduces (as a result of increased competition for resources) and the per capita death rate increases as a result of enlarged competition for resources, the increased multiplication of disease or an increase in predation that arises when predators are attracted to areas of lofty population sizes.

In the real world, patterns of population growth may be more complex than predicted by uncomplicated models due the fact that majority of populations are synchronized by a selection of density reliant (like competition and dispersal of disease) and density independent factors (like climate and disturbances).

Spatial dispersion
Individuals in a population may multiply across the environment in different patterns like clumped dispersion, smooth dispersion, or random dispersion. Interaction with both the abiotic and biotic environments can affect and determine the patterns of spatial dispersion.

For instance, clumped dispersions may occur when individuals are restricted to living in erratic with the suitable abiotic environmental conditions and smooth dispersions may arise as the result of intraspecific competition.

Human population growth
The study of human population growth is a particularly crucial subset of the field of population ecology.

Humans have had a distinctive pattern of population growth. Human demographers are concerned with the factors that cause patterns to differ between various countries and predicting what will occur to human population growth in the future

Ecological succession
Ecological succession is the pragmatic processes of change in the structure of species in an ecological community over time. Within any community a few species may become less abundant over some period of time, or they may even disappear from the ecosystem entirely.

In the same vein, over some time interval, some species within the community may become more plentiful, or fresh species may even occupy the community from nearby ecosystems.

This visible change over time in what is living in a specific ecosystem is "ecological succession". There are two types of ecological succession- The primary succession and secondary succession.

Primary and secondary successions both produce a constantly altering mixture of species inside communities as disruptions of various intensities, sizes, and frequencies change the landscape. The chronological progression of species during succession, nevertheless, is not random.

At every stage particular species have developed life histories to utilize the particular conditions of the community. This situation compels a moderately expected sequence of alteration in the species composition of communities during succession.

At first only a small number of species from surrounding habitats are able to thrive in a disturbed habitat. As fresh plant species emerge, they change the habitat by altering things like the amount of shade on the ground or the mineral constitution of the soil.

These changes permit other species that are more suited to this modified habitat to replace the old species. These recent species are outmoded, in turn, yet by newer species.

A related succession of animal species occurs, and interactions between plants, animals, and environment affect the pattern and rate of succession change.

In a few environments, succession reaches a climax, which gives rise to a stable community subjugated by a small number of prominent species. This state of equilibrium known as the climax community, is thought to happen when the web of biotic interactions turn very complex that no other species can be allowed.

In a few environments, constant small-scale disruptions create communities that are a varied mixture of species, and any species may thrive.

Primary ecological succession is one of two types of biological and ecological succession of plant life, that occurs in an environment in which fresh substrate devoid of vegetation and normally lacking soil, like a lava flow or area left from drew back glacier, is deposited.

Primary succession can as well be defined as ecological succession that takes place in an opening of unoccupied, infertile habitat or that exists on an environment that is free of vegetation and normally lacking topsoil.

An example of primary succession is the original advancement of plant or animal communities in an area where no soil exists at the outset like a lava flow that results from volcanic eruption or rigorous landslide that enveloped the land.

The primary succession is essential in pioneering the area to create conditions that are favorable for the growth of other types of plants and animals.

Secondary succession takes place in areas where a community that beforehand existed has been removed; it is typified by smaller-scale disturbances that do not get rid of all life and nutrients from the environment.

Secondary succession is one among the two types of ecological succession of plant life. Secondary succession is the series of community alterations that occur on a formerly occupied, but distressed or smashed habitat.

Examples are areas which have been cleared of obtainable vegetation like after tree-felling in woodland and destructive events like fires.

Secondary succession is normally much swifter than primary succession for the following reasons:
• There is previously an existing seed bank of appropriate plants in the soil.

• Root systems uninterrupted in the soil, stumps and other plant parts from formerly existing plants can quickly rejuvenate and grow.

• The fertility and structure of the soil has also previously been adapted to a large extent by preceding organisms to make it more fit for growth and colonization.

Why ecological succession take place
Every living species has a group of environmental conditions under which it will thrive and reproduce most optimally.

In a particular ecosystem, and under that ecosystem's range of environmental conditions, those species that can grow for the most part competently and produce the most viable children will become the majorly rich organisms.

Ecological succession may as well happen when the conditions of an environment unexpectedly and considerably alter. A forest fires, wind storms, and human activities such as agriculture all significantly change the conditions of an environment.

These considerable forces may as well wipe out species and consequently modify the dynamics of the ecological community triggering a mix up for dominance among the species still present.

Ecological succession on the Natural track
Succession is one of the main natural themes. It is possible to detect both the current process of succession and the effects of past succession events at roughly any point along the track.

The fluctuations of various species within our numerous communities exemplify both of the types of motive forces of succession: the collision of a well-known species to change a site's ecological conditions, and the collision of large exterior forces to abruptly change the environmental nature of a site.

Some particular examples of visible succession are:
1. The growth of hardwood trees which includes ash, poplar and oak within the red pine planting area. The result of this hardwood tree growth is the increased shading and resultant mortality of the sun loving red pines by the shade tolerant hardwood seedlings.

The shaded forest floor situation created by the pines limits the growth of sun-loving pine seedlings and permits the growth of the hardwoods. The result of the growth of the hardwoods is the reduction and senescence of the pine forest.

2. The raspberry thickets growing in the sunny forest parts of the canopy produced by wind-thrown trees. Raspberry plants need sunlight to grow and thrive. Under the thick shade canopy principally of the red pines but as well under the dense stands of oaks, there is no adequate sunlight for the raspberry's survival.

Nevertheless, in any place where there has been a tree fall, the raspberry canes have multiplied into impenetrable thickets.

How humans are are affected by ecological succession
Ecological succession is a power of nature. Ecosystems, due to the internal species changes and outdoor forces already mentioned, there are constant process of transformation and re-structuring.

To be pleased about how ecological succession affects humans and as well to begin to understand the inconceivable time and monetary cost of ecological succession, you only have to see a newly tilled garden plot.

Clearing the land for the garden and preparing the soil for planting showcases the main exterior event that radically re-structures and disrupts a previously existing ecosystem.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:44 PM

Ecological Management
Association - In community ecology and phytosociology an association is a type of ecological community with a conventional species symphony, dependable physiognomy (structural appearance) which exists in a particular type of habitat.


The term association was originally invent ed by Alexander von Humbold and was made formal by the International Botanical Congress in 1910.

An association can be defined as a real, incorporated body formed either by species interactions or by related habitat requirements or it can be defined as simply an ordinary spot along a scale.

There are a lot of examples in nature of two organisms living in close association with each other. The relationship can be made up of two animals, two plants, a plant and an animal, or merely a fungus and an algae for example as obtained in lichens.

Biologists have made efforts to explain different types of biological associations like 'symbiosis' and 'mutualism' and 'parasitism' but it is frequently difficult to identify where one type of association stops and another starts.

It is in all probability better to take these associations as part of a wide range of scale that begins with free-living organisms that rely on others for food, to two organisms that will fail to exist if they are not constantly together like the alga and fungus that join to form each lichen 'species'.

Types of biological association
1. Symbiosis:
This is derived from a Greek word which simply means 'living together' and can be utilized to explain any association that exist between two organisms.

2. Mutualism:
This can be used to describe an association between two organisms and where both organisms seemingly benefit from each other.

3. Commensalism:
This is a type of association where one organism known as the commensal benefits, and the other known as the host is seemingly unaffected. In ecology, commensalism is a type of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is neutral.

There is no harm or benefit to the neutral organism. Commensalism is derived from the English word commensal, meaning "sharing of food" in human social interaction, which was in turn derived from the Latin cum mensa, meaning "sharing a table"

Examples of Commensal Relationships
Commensalism is much more difficult to exhibit than parasitism and mutualism, for it is simpler to show a single example where the host is affected, than it is to demonstrate or invalidate that possibility.

Cattle Egrets and Livestock
An example of commensalism is cattle egrets pasturing in fields together with cattle or other livestock. As cattle, horses, and other livestock graze on the field, their movements stir up different types of insects which are being fed on by the cattle egrets.

The egrets benefit from this relationship due to the fact that the livestock have assisted them to discover their foods while the livestock are characteristically not affected by it.

Tigers and Golden Jackals
In India, one golden jackals barred from their pack have been found to be forming commensal relationships with tigers.

4. Parasitism
This is the type of association where one organism known as the the parasite benefits, while the other known as the host is negatively affected, injured, weakened, sickened or killed. An example of parasitism is the association between the parasitic tapeworms and the vertebrate hosts.

This type of association would as well suit the relationship that exists between a carnivore and its live prey and herbivore and the plant it feeds on, particularly if they are extremely specialized in the food they eat.

Parasites are usually defined as organisms that cannot survive without their host and which have unique modifications to their body or their life cycle for this association. In a lot ways though, the variation that exists between a lion eating a gazelle and a flea feeding on a dog, is an issue of relative size.

A lot of sea slugs have evolved close relationships with other organisms. Solar Powered Sea Slugs is another rather different group of relationships that have been discovered with sea slugs. This relationship involves plants and plant organelles.

A group, the herbivorous sacoglossan sea slugs keep chloroplasts and other plant plastids alive from the plants they consume and make use of the sugars they synthesize from photosynthesis for their own nutrition.

Conventionally, parasite is used to describe organisms that are visible to the naked eye, or macroparasites like the protozoa andhelminths. Parasite currently includes microparasites, which are generally smaller, like viruses and bacteria.

A few examples of parasites include the plants mistletoe and cuscuta, and animals like the hookworms.

As opposed to predators, parasites do not kill their host. They are usually much smaller than their host, and will frequently live in or on their host for an extensive period. Both the parasite and the predator are particular instances of consumer-resource interactions.

Parasites exhibit a high degree of specialization, and replicate at a faster rate than their hosts.

Parasites diminish host biological fitness by common or dedicated pathology, like parasitic castration and mutilation of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behavior.

Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, e.g. food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission. Although parasitism applies unmistakably to a lot of cases, it is part of a range of types of interactions that exist between species, instead of the exclusive category.

In a lot of cases, it is not easy to illustrate that the host is harmed. In others, there may be no obvious specialization on the part of the parasite, or the interaction that exists between the organisms may be momentary.

Types of parasitic relationship between organisms
Parasites are classified based on their interactions with their hosts and on their life cycles. An obligate parasite is completely reliant on the host to complete its life cycle, while a facultative parasite is not.

Human head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are ectoparasites. Parasites that live on the surface of the host are known as ectoparasites . Example-mites. The parasites that live inside the host are known as endo-parasites which as well include parasitic worms.

Endoparasites can survive in one of two forms: intercellular parasites ie parasites that inhabit spaces in the host's body or intracellular parasites ie parasites that inhabit cells in the host's body.

Intracellular parasites, like protozoa, bacteria or viruses, have a propensity of depending on a third organism, which is commonly referred to as the carrier or vector. The vector does the function of transmitting them to the host.

An instance of this interaction is the spread of malaria, caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium, to humans by the bite of an anopheline mosquito. Those parasites living in an intermediary position, being half-ectoparasites and half-endoparasites, are every now and then called mesoparasite.

An epiparasite is a parasite that feeds on another parasite. This relationship is as well occasionally known as hyperparasitism. An example is exhibited by a protozoan (the hyperparasite) inhabiting the digestive tract of a flea living on a dog.

Social parasites take advantage of interactions that exists among members of social organisms like ants or termites. An instance is Phengaris arion, a butterfly whose larvae make use of mimicry to parasitize definite species of ants.

In kleptoparasitism, parasites share food obtained by the host. An instance is the brood parasitism practiced by cuckoos and cowbirds, which do not construct nests of their own and leave their eggs in nests of other species.

The host acts as a "babysitter" as they raise the young as their own. If the host takes away the cuckoo's eggs, a few cuckoos will come again and attack the nest to force host birds to remain subject to this parasitic association.

Pollution of the environment
Pollution can be defined as introduction of contaminants into the atmosphere. There are different types of pollution. These pollutions are as a result of a lot of varieties of sources. They all have many effects to the surroundings.

Different Types of Pollution
Air Pollution
Air pollution can be defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that interrupts the natural composition and chemistry of the air we breathe.

It can be in the form of particulate matter like dust or excessive gases such as carbon dioxide or other vapors that cannot be efficiently removed through natural cycles, like the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle.

Air pollution care caused by a lot of sources. Some of the major sources of air pollution are:

• automobile or exhaust from manufacturing industries

• Forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion, and other natural sources

• Building construction or demolition

Depending on the amount of air pollutants in the atmosphere, a lot of effects can be observed like smog increases, increased acidic rain, reduction of crop yield as a result of insufficient oxygen, and higher rates of asthma. A lot of scientists think that air pollution also leads to global warming.

Water pollution:This is introduction of contaminants into water surfaces, which can be in form of chemical, particulate, or bacterial matter that reduces the quality and purity of the water. Water pollution can take place in the oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, and as various sources of water.

Causes of water pollution are:
• Higher sediment from soil erosion

• Poor waste disposal and littering

• Leaching of soil pollution into water sources

• Decay of organic material into water sources.

The effects of water pollution are reduction in the quantity of drinkable water accessible, reduction of water supplies for crop irrigation, and impacting fish and wildlife populations that need water of a particular purity for survival.

Soil Pollution
Soil, or land pollution, is contamination of the soil that inhibits natural growth and balance in the land whether it is utilized for cultivation, habitation, or a wildlife preserve. A few soil pollution, like the creation of landfills, is purposeful, while some are accidental and can have broad effects.

Sources of Soil pollution are:
• Harmful waste and sewage spills

• Non-sustainable farming practices, like excessive use of inorganic pesticides

• Strip mining, deforestation, and other negative practices

• Domestic dumping and littering

Soil contamination can result to impaired growth and low crop yields, loss of wildlife, water and visual pollution, soil erosion, as well as desertification.

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is undesirable levels of noises brought about by human activity that disturb the average of living in the affected area. Sources of noise pollution are:

• Roadtraffics

• Airports

• Railroads

• Manufacturing plants

• Construction or demolition

• Concerts

Some noise pollution may be short term while other sources are long term. Some of the effects of noise pollution are impaired hearing, wildlife disturbances, and a generalized degradation of lifestyle.

Radioactive Pollution
Radioactive pollution is uncommon but awfully damaging, and even deadly, when it happens. Due to its intensity and the difficulty of averting the harm it may cause, there are stringent government regulations to control radioactive pollution.

Sources of radioactive pollution are:
• accidents or leakage of nuclear power plant

• Poor disposal of nuclear waste

• Uranium mining operations

Radiation pollution can lead to birth defects, cancer, sterilization, and other health issues for human and wildlife populations. It can as well sterilize the soil and lead to water and air pollution.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:42 PM

Ecological Factors in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem
The aquatic environment ought to always be taken as a lawful consumer of water, whose requirements ought to be fulfilled alongside the fundamental human requirements, and at the forefront of any other demand.


In the case of water projects requiring impoundment, this means the maintenance of flow in the reaches of the river downstream of the impounding structure, dam, or diversion. Environmental flows are essential to:

• keep up the riverine ecology

• revitalize the riverine aquifers

• keep up the river channel

Factors Affecting Aquatic Ecosystems
Inconsistency and change are natural processes in aquatic ecosystems, and ecosystem communities and individual organisms have on several occasions adapted to diverse environmental conditions. The factors affecting the aquatic environment can be as a result of natural causes or as a result of human factors.

Human activities that affects the aquatic ecosystem can be due to pollution, changes or alteration to the landscape or hydrological systems, and their overall long lasting larger-scale effects like the global climate change.

The complexity of aquatic ecosystems and the connections within them can make it difficult to predict the effect or what may be the result of such disturbances on them.

These interconnections among them entail that any damage or harm done to a single component of the ecosystem can result to impacts on other components of the ecosystem.

Augmenting or amplifying our understanding of aquatic ecosystems can result to enhanced practices that reduce the effect these would have on aquatic environments.

It can therefore be concluded that influences on the aquatic ecosystem can be as a result of:

• Natural or physical factors

• Human factors and their practices

Example of such factors that affects the aquatic ecosystem is the eutrophication.

Another factor that could affect the aquatic ecosystem significantly and which possess a serious threat to the survival of organim in aquatic environment everywhere in the world is the invasion of species Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Water Fern (Azolla filiculoides).

These two aquatic plants, native to South America, have invaded varoius sections of the Vaal River and many other rivers of the world. Whereas Water Fern is limited to the upper catchments of the Vaal River, Water Hyacinth is seen in the upper-middle Vaal and extends as far as Douglas Weir.

Biological control agents, which includes the weevil, Stenopelmus rufinasus, has been comparatively useful and successful in the control of the invasion; nevertheless, they go on spreading, with Water Hyacinth currently discovered occasionally in the lower reaches of the main-stem of Orange-Senqu River.

In South Africa for example, a few introduced species include two species of trout (Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss).

These species were originally introduced for sport fishing in South Africa but have currently had effects on the populations of local minnow species in Lesotho and South African parts of the Orange-Senqu River basin, and are seen all through the basin, although in smaller numbers, from the Maluti Mountains downstream to the Gariep and Vanderkloof dams.

Other factors that have effects on the aquatic ecosystems are listed in the table below.

Factors affecting aquatic ecosystems
Factor Impact
Foreign species Opening up foreign species out-compete indigenous species for space, nutrients and sunlight availability.
Dams, inter-basin transfers, hydro-electrical flow releases, irrigation and mining activities Customized flow regime or hydrology
Pollution from mines and return water flows from irrigation Reduction in water quality, including nutrient build-up on the surface of the water and salanisation
Reduced flood management and made to order seasonal flows Geomorphologic modification of the river channel as a result of lower flows which results in less or no scoured
Riparian and in-stream vegetation is laid out of action and continues to get worse Floating aquatic plants rise in number with reduced flow. Alterations to the shape of the wetted perimeter of the river channel, with lower water levels leading to the dryness of river banks, temporary exposure of open to attack banks and water bank collapse Enhanced advantage to pioneer reeds, like the Common Reed (Phragmites australis), under reduced flow, with improved distribution and patch size, and in so doing gathering up sediments, blocking channels and leading to large disturbances when washed out during the time of large floods. These frequently lead to the formation of reed mats that cause blockages downstream and make worse the effect of floods. Loss of local trees and gallery forest in the riparian belt as a result of reduced floods (moisture), reduced seed dispersal, more recurrent or everyday hot fires due to the increase in the reed beds and a reduced amount of cooling effect as the formerly moist riverbanks are now drier Agricultural encroachment into the riparian belt would be greater than before due to less than before flooding activities and waterlogged soils Invasion by foreign vegetation, particularly Mesquite (Prosopis spp.), got worse due to a loss of home-grown vegetation and disturbance for example through fires and agricultural activities Alterations in the compositions of species and abundance as a result of fertilizers and salts draining into the river, for example Common Reed (P.australis) and Wild Tamarisk (Tamarix usneoides) increasing and posing a negative effect on safsaf willow, Kaapse wilger or Cape Willow (Salix mucronata).
The Factors Affecting Terrestrial Ecosystem

It is not uncomplicated to compare terrestrial and aquatic systems due to the fact that there are a very big variety of these environments.

It is possible to be aware of the terrestrial part of the biosphere, a small number of units with characteristic vegetation and climate, each of which is made up of a complex of communities to a large extent. These units are referred to as biomes and six major biomes are by and large recognized, namely the:

1. Tundra,
2. Taiga ( coniferous forests ),
3. Deciduous Forests,
4. Grasslands,
5. Tropical Rain Forests,
6. Deserts.
Similarities between Terrestrial and Aquatic eco systems
• In both terrestrial and aquatic environments the ecosystems include communities made up of a diversity of species,

• within both terrestrial and aquatic communities there are populations at the different trophic levels of the ecosystem,

• There is a great deal of reciprocal interdependence that exists between species in both the eco systems of the terrestrial and aquatic environments,

• In terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that are without interruption, equilibrium is attained, i.e. exceptionally few major changes are noticed over a period of time,

• In both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems stratification also known as vertical zonation takes place.

Differences between Terrestrial and Aquatic systems
• The fact that aquatic ecosystem environments are very rich in nutrients makes it possible for them to support more live than the corresponding terrestrial ecosystems environment.

The minute wandering photosynthetic organisms of the oceans, known collectively as phytoplankton are taken to be the main photosynthesizers, or primary producers, of the earth,

• In aquatic ecosystem environments their tendency to remain stable are much more stable than the corresponding terrestrial environments, due to the fact that it is only affected by smaller fluctuations in temperature and other variables than terrestrial environment,

• aquatic organisms are hardly ever open to the elements of desiccation whereas the terrestrial organisms are over and over again exposed to desiccation and are normally comparatively resistant to drying out,

• oxygen due to their less availability is every now and then a limiting factor an aquatic habitats but this is hardly ever the case in terrestrial habitats,

• light can be a limiting factor in a few aquatic habitats and ecosystems, but in the majority of terrestrial eco system environments, there is hardly ever a limiting factor of light,

• Terrestrial animals are influenced to a greater extent by gravity, whereas in the aquatic ecosystem, the greater influence on their life is made by the availability and quality of water.

The kinds and numbers of species in a typical environment whether it is terrestrial environment or aquatic, environment are typically determined by physical environmental factors. In areas where there are alterations to the physical factors, there will be a transition zone that exit between two communities known as an ecotone.

In an ecotone, plant species from the communities will be discovered and a diversity of wildlife species.

The terrestrial community on an archetypal farm in Tennessee for example includes the cottontail rabbit, hayfields, northern bobwhite quail and grain.

Other species present include the woodlot, which is composed of foxes, trees, deer and songbirds. Other members of the community include the meadow mouse, stream bank willow, dogwood, opossum, skunk and sparrow hawk.

A few more other species are fence-row trees and shrubs, groundhogs, blacksnakes and weasels.

The cottontail rabbit, groundhog and meadow mouse eat from the same clover field and are seen to be present in the same fencerow and end up as food for a fox or hawk.

The skunk looks for refuge in a groundhog burrow, searches fields and pass through lanes to get grubs and mice, and rarely finds and feasts on birds' eggs. In due course, an owl, nesting in an old dead hurdle in the woodlot, may possibly prey upon the skunk.

A hawk hovers over the hayfield and jumps over for insects as well as mice to feed itself and its young ones

Every plant and animal members of a community live and function in their own place and fill up their niche. This is how complicated a community can be.

The Interrelatedness of Life
Interrelatedness is a main concept in ecology. For instance, a plant may put up with different extremes of temperature based on the amount of moisture on hand. And, the way the environmental factors are interrelated, is also the manner in which biological factors are related.

Man is situated at the top of a lot of food chains, and is dependent on phytoplankton or grasses at the bottom of those chains for his survival.

Apart from the clear food chain relationships, relationships between predator-prey or host-parasite communities is made up of a lot of numerous interrelationships of which we are not fully conscious of. Man is presently starting to be aware of these.

Ecological Succession
Communities do not remain the same but alter over a period of time. This is majorly due to a process known as ecological succession. We see this process all around us as abandoned farmland alters to weed fields, brush land and subsequently to a forest.

One community succeeds another in various stages as conditions change that is favorable to another suite of wildlife species.

The first stage in succession is known as the pioneer stage, which is made up of bare habitat conditions, like an exposed rock. This stage stays until conditions alter to the extent that soil gathers up and plants are capable of thriving there.

These changes go on and on till formation of a climax community, which is in equilibrium with soil and climatic conditions. Species of a climax community do not generate conditions unfavorable to themselves or additionally favorable to other species.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:39 PM

Ecosystem- Components of the ecosystem and sizes
Ecology is the study of the associations and interactions of the organisms and the environment in general. The living place or dwelling place of any organism is known as habitat. Inside every habitat there are variations or micro habitats.


Inside every given habitat, we would notice physical or abiotic environment as well as living organisms or biotic factors. There is interaction and interdependence between organisms in a given habitat.

The word ecology is derived from two Greek words: oikos which means 'house' or place of abode and logos which means to discuss or study. Literally, ecology means the study of organism 'at home' in their natural environment.

Ecosystems means living organism that exist together in a symbiotic relationship with their environment. Living organisms in an ecosystem fight with one another over who would turn into the most successful at reproducing and surviving in a particular niche, or environment.

There are two major components of the ecosystem: abiotic components and biotic components.

The abiotic components of any ecosystem are the physical properties of the environment; the biotic components are the living organisms that live a particular ecosystem.

Biotic Components of the Ecosystem:
The biotic components of an ecosystem are the living organisms that live in an ecosystem. These living organisms in an ecosystem assist in the transfer and cycle of energy inside any given eco system.

They are classified based on the source of energy requirement of their body. Producers like plants manufacture their own energy without consuming other living organisms; plants obtain their energy through the process of photosynthesis with the energy for the reaction obtained from sunlight.

Consumers can be seen on the subsequent level of the food chain.

There are three major types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores feed on plants; carnivores get their food by eating other living organisms whether carnivores or herbivores, and omnivores are animals that possess the ability to digest both plant and animal tissue.

Therefore, the biotic components of the ecosystem which is composed of the plants, animals and microbes work together and are reliant on the abitoic factors.

Abiotic Components of the Ecosystem:
Abiotic components are and ecological factor that acts of living components during any part of their life. Abiotic factors are the factors that are either physical or chemical factors that are the characteristic of the environment under study.

A lot of ecological studies have been conducted on the significance or importance of the main abiotic factors which control the physical and biological components in an ecosystem at different ranges of time and space.

Abiotic factors are the non-living components of a habitat. The abiotic factors in an ecosystem are grouped into soil (edaphic), air, topography, meteorology, availability of water and quality of water.

The meteorological factors are temperature, wind, sun, humidity and precipitation. The activities and growth of plants and animals are a result of many of these abiotic factors.

Abiotic facotrs are the non-living components of the ecosystem. The chemical, geological factors like soil, minerals, rocks and physical factors like temperature, wind, water, sunlight are defined as abiotic factors.

The abiotic factors affect the ecosystem and play a very important role in the biology of the ecosystem. The abiotic facts factors as well include average humidity, topography and natural disturbances, light, acidity, radiation, and every organic and inorganic components of the ecosystem.

The quantity of the abiotic components available in the ecosystem is referred to as 'the standing stage'.

Abiotic components of an ecosystem therefore are made up of the nonorganic aspects of the environment that decides the living things that can survive in that particular ecosystem.

Temperature of an ecosystem differs by latitude; locations close to the equator are hotter than locations that are closed to the poles or the temperate zones. Humidity regulates and determines the amount of water and moisture in the air and soil, which, in turn, influence rainfall.

Topography is the layout of the land in relation to its elevation. For instance, according to the University of Wisconsin, land situated in the rain shadow of a mountain will experience less precipitation of rainfall.

Natural disturbances include things like tsunamis, lightning storms, hurricanes and wild fires.

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in addition to the nonliving components of their environment like air, water and mineral soil, interacting as a system. These biotic and abiotic components are known to be linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.

Since ecosystems are defined by the complex of interactions among living organisms, and between the organisms and their surrounding environment, they can be of whichever size but normally comprises specific, restricted spaces even though a few scientists are of the opinion that the whole world is an ecosystem.

An ecosystem is made up of the biological community that takes place in some locality, and the physical as well as chemical factors that make up its non-living or abiotic environment. There are a lot of examples of ecosystems like a pond, a forest, an estuary or grassland.

The boundaries are not limited in an objective manner, though a few times they appear obvious, just like the shoreline of an undersized pond. Normally, the boundaries of an ecosystem are selected for practical reasons which have to do with the objectives of that specific study.

The study of ecosystems mostly consists of the study of a few processes that connect the living, or biotic components to the non-living, or abiotic, components. Energy transformations and biogeochemical cycling are the major processes that comprise the field of ecosystem ecology.

As discussed earlier, ecology is generally defined as the interactions of living organisms with one another and with the environment where they live. Ecology can be studied at the level of the individual, the population, the community, and the ecosystem.

Studies of ecology on the basis of individuals are mainly in terms of physiology, reproduction, development or behavior, and studies of ecology on the basis of populations are normally focused on the habitat and resource requirements of individual species, their group behaviors, population growth, and factors that limit their abundance or leads to their extinction.

Studies of ecology on the basis of communities investigates the way populations of a lot of species interact with one another, like predators and their prey, or competitors that contribute to common needs or resources.

In ecosystem ecology all of this is put together and try to comprehend the way the entire system operates. This means that, instead of worrying majorly about specific species, a focus is rather directed towards the main functional aspects of the system.

These functional aspects include things like the amount of energy that is generated through the process of photosynthesis, how energy or materials flow along the various steps of a food chain, or things that controls the rate of decomposition of materials or the rate at which nutrients are recycled in the system.

A table showing the Components of an Ecosystem
Sunlight Primary producers
Temperature Herbivores
Precipitation Carnivores
Water or moisture Omnivores
Soil or water chemistry (e.g., P, NH4+) Detritivores
By and large, this set of environmental factors is very essential roughly everywhere, in all ecosystems.

Habitually, biological communities are made up of the "functional groupings" illustrated on the table above.

A functional group is a biological class composed of organisms that carry out majorly the same type of function in the system; for example, all of the photosynthetic plants or primary producers constitute a functional group.

Belonging to a functional group does not rely immensely on who the real players (species) are rather on what function they carry out in the ecosystem.

Organism and Environment
Each and every one of living organisms possesses its particular surrounding medium of environment with which it constantly interacts and remains totally adapted.

The surroundings or the localities in which a lot of plants and animals naturally occur are referred to as habitats.

The word habitat means living or dwelling place. Habitat of an organism is a part of the total environment of the region and it ought to offer the residing organism food, shelter and climatic conditions that are appropriate for the survival of the organism as well as its reproduction and thriving.

The term microhabitat refers to a small region or area within a particular habitat with particular features that go well with a few organisms better than others. The term microhabitat is as well used for a smaller and immediate habitat of an organism.

The Ecosystem is the basic unit of ecological study. It means a self-sustaining system in which living organisms and their non-living environment interact to exchange energy and materials.

All systems function to form the biosphere, that part of the earth which supports life, and is made up of the atmosphere, bodies of water and soil to a depth of lots of feet.

Ecologists normally study communities which are systems (like a pond, marsh, forest or selfcontained aquarium. Within the ecosystem, water and materials are constantly being recycled.

Energy, which comes from sunlight is very essential for life and is used by green plants to manufacture sugars via photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis produces fuel that keeps the whole living world sustained.

Habitat and Niche
Habitat is the place where a living organism lives. For instance, the habitat of waternet (an algae) is a calm pond, while a robin's habitat may be a suburban garden. Habitat requirements are complicated not simple. The requirements are appropriate food, shelter, water and space.

Physical factors like light, heat and moisture ought not to go beyond the organism's limit of tolerance. Over the years, plants and animals have developed adaptations like periods of dormancy, hibernation, cyst formation and changes in body structure, which allow them to live through unfavorable times and circumstances.

Niche can be defined as the role of an organism in its habitat. This composed of every aspect of its structure, behavior and activities. For instance, the biological niche of an owl might be defined as a nocturnal, carnivorous, predatory bird.

Some organisms occupy a lot of various niches during their life histories. For instance, a mosquito in the larval stage of life lives in shallow water habitats as a primary consumer, but occupies a completely different habitat and niche as an adult.

The Community
The biotic community is the living part of an ecosystem, and can be defined as a group of plant and animal populations living together (interacting with one another) in a specific habitat. Organisms are connected in food chains, and all the food chains of a community constitute a food web.

Every organism in the community occupies a specific niche. The main multifaceted communities have the majorities of niches occupied and, consequently, are more dissimilar.

Complex communities normally are the main stable, due to the fact that they are least likely to be affected by change.

In some communities, one or many species may be dominant. Dominant species are normally plants. These plants are the majorly common, convert the most energy, regulate the climate for the other organisms, and frequently make available the main source of food and shelter.

Communities like an oak/hickory forest, are frequently named after the dominant species.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:23 PM

Charles Darwin and Lamarck's Theories of Evolution
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the extensively held concept that all life is interrelated and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers are all related.


Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses an entirely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, composite creatures develop from more simple ancestors unsurprisingly over time.

In summary, as random genetic mutations take place in an organism's genetic code, the valuable mutations are conserved due to the fact that they help the organism to survive.

This process is referred to as natural selection. These advantageous mutations are transferred to the next generation. Over time, helpful mutations mount up and the result is a completely different organism (not just a variation of the original organism but completely different creature).

Charles Darwin is renowned for his theory of evolution, but he was not the only person to develop a theory of evolution. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. He studied variation in plants and animals during a five-year cruise around the world in the 19th century.

He gives explanations about evolution in a book known as on the Origin of Species, which was publicized in 1859.

Darwin's theory raised controversy amongst his contemporaries and his ideas were only slowly accepted, Even though a few people still do not believe in them today. The reasons why people fail to believe in his theories are:

• Darwin's theory was the contrary of religious belief that God had made all the animals and plants on Earth

• Darwin did not have an adequate amount of evidence at the time to convince a lot of scientists

• It took 50 years after Darwin's theory was made public to discover the way inheritance and variation worked.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution –The theory of Natural Selection
Whereas Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a relatively young prototype, the evolutionary worldview itself is as old as ancient times.

Ancient Greek philosophers like Anaximander hypothesized the development of life from non-life and the evolutionary descent of man from animal.

Charles Darwin basically brought something fresh to the old philosophy - a credible mechanism known as "natural selection." Natural selection acts to safeguard and build up minor advantageous genetic mutations.

Assuming that a member of a species evolved a functional advantage, (it grew wings and learned to fly).

Its offspring would inherit that benefit and transfer it to their offspring. The inferior (deprived) members of the same species would slowly but surely die out, leaving only the superior (privileged) members of the species.

Natural selection is the conservation of a functional advantage that allows species to compete better in the undomesticated.

Natural selection is the natural equivalent to household breeding. Over the centuries, human breeders have created spectacular changes in domestic animal populations by choosing individuals to breed.

Breeders do away with unwanted traits steadily over time. Likewise, natural selection does away with inferior species progressively over time.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Slowly But Surely
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a slow but gradual process. Darwin wrote, "...Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps."

Therefore, Darwin accepted that, "If it could be established that any multifaceted organ existed, which could not probably have been fashioned by numerous, consecutive, slight modifications, my theory would completely break down.

Such a composite organ would be referred to as an "irreducibly multifaceted system".

An irreducibly composite system is one consisted of numerous parts, all of which are essential for the system to function.

If even one part is missing, the whole system will stop working or functioning. Every individual part is fundamental.

Therefore, such a system could not have evolved gradually, part by part. The familiar mousetrap is a day to day non-biological instance of irreducible complication.

It is made up of five fundamental parts: a catch (to hold the bait), a commanding spring, a thin rod known as "the hammer," a griping bar to lock the hammer in place, and a stage to mount the trap.

If any one of these parts is not there, the machinery will not work. Every individual part is integral. The mousetrap is irreducibly composite.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - A Theory In Crisis
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a theory in crisis in view of light of the tremendous advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics over the past fifty years.

We presently know that there are in fact tens of thousands of irreducibly composite systems on the cellular level.

Specific complication pervades the microscopic biological world.

Molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote, "even though the tiniest bacterial cells are extremely small, weighing less than 10-12 grams, each is in effect a genuine micro-miniaturized factory encompassing thousands of elegantly designed pieces of complicated molecular mechanism, made up in total of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complex than any machine built by man and entirely without equivalent in the non-living world.

And we don't require a microscope to examine irreducible complication.

The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity, though they were not acknowledged as such in Darwin's day.

Nonetheless, Darwin admitted, "To assume that the eye with all its matchless contrivances for adjusting the focus to diverse distances, for admitting dissimilar amounts of light, and for the alteration of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been produced by natural selection, appears quite illogical in the utmost degree

Lamarck's theory of evolution:
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck on the other hand was a French scientist who evolved an alternative theory of evolution at the start of the 19th century. His theory included two ideas:

1. A trait which is made use of more frequently by an organism grows bigger and stronger, and one that is not being utilized gradually and at the end becomes extinct.

2. Any feature of an organism that is enhanced through use is transferred to the s offspring of the organism.

Nevertheless, we now know that in majority of cases this type of inheritance cannot occur.

Lamarck's theory cannot take care of every observation made consigning life on Earth.

For example, his theory implies that every organism would slowly and surely turns composite and simple organisms become extinct.On the contrary, Darwin's theory can account for the continued presence of simple organisms.

Darwin was not the first naturalist to suggest that species altered over time into fresh species—that life, as we would say currently, evolves.

In the eighteenth century, Buffon and other naturalists started to initiate the idea that life may not have been constant or permanent since creation.

By the end of the 1700s, paleontologists had puffed up the fossil collections of Europe, offering a picture of the ancient times at odds with an unchanging natural world.

And in 1801, a French naturalist named Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck took a great theoretical step and proposed a full-blown theory of evolution.

Lamarck started his scientific career as a botanist, but in 1793 he became one of the founding professors of the Musee National d'Histoire Naturelle as an expert on invertebrates.

His work on classification of worms, spiders, molluscs, and other boneless creatures was far above the findings of his time.

Change through use and disuse
Lamarck was hit by the similarities of a lot of the animals he examined and was highly impressed by the escalating fossil record.

It led him to dispute that life was not rigid or stable. When environments are altered, organisms had to alter their behavior to remain alive.

If they start to make use of an organ more than they did in the past, it would gradually increase in size during its lifetime.

If a giraffe stretched its neck for leaves, for instance, a "nervous fluid" would flow into its neck and cause it to grow longer.

Its offspring would inherit the longer neck, and extra and improved stretching would make it longer still over a lot of generations.

In the meantime organs that organisms stopped making use of would shrink.

Organisms moved to higher complexity
This type of evolution, for which Lamarck is majorly well known today, was only one of two mechanisms he projected. As organisms adapted to their surroundings, nature as well drove them inescapably upward from simple forms to progressively more composite ones.

Like Buffon, Lamarck is of the thought that life had started via spontaneous generation. But he maintained that fresh prehistoric living things sprang up throughout the history of life; today's microbes were merely "the fresh kids on the block."

Lamarck as well postulated that organisms were driven from simple to increasingly more complex forms.

The characteristic example used to illustrate the concept of use and disuse is the extended neck of the giraffe. According to Lamarck's theory, a given giraffe could, over a lifetime of twisting to reach high branches, grow an elongated neck.

A key fault of his theory was that he could not illustrate the way this could occur even though he discussed a "natural tendency toward perfection."

Another example Lamarck made use of was the toes of water birds.

He postulated that from years of straining their toes to swim through water, these birds grew elongated, webbed toes to enhance their swimming.

These two examples illustrate the way use could change a characteristic or a feature.

In the same way, Lamarck believed that disuse would result in a character or feature becoming reduced.

The wings of penguins, for instance, would be smaller than those of other birds for the fact that penguins do not use them to fly.

The second part of Lamarck's mechanism for evolution is the inheritance of acquired traits.

He believed that traits altered or acquired over an individual's lifetime could be transferred down to its offspring.

Giraffes that had acquired long necks would have offspring with long necks instead of the short necks their parents were born with.

This type of inheritance, every now and then known as Lamarckian inheritance, has since been disproved through the discovery of hereditary genetics.

An extension of Lamarck's ideas of inheritance that has stood the test of time, though, is the idea that evolutionary change occurs slowly and steadily.

He studied antique seashells and observed that the older they were, the simpler they looked. From that, he concluded that species began simple and constantly moved toward complexity, or, as he phrased it, closer to perfection.

Difference between the two theories of evolution:
Darwin depended on nearly an equivalent evidence for evolution that Lamarck did (like in the vestigial structures and selection through breeding), but made entirely different arguments from Lamarck.

Darwin did not accept a dart of complication driving through the history of life.

He argued that complexity resulted merely as a result of life adapting to its local environment from generation to generation similar to modern biologists.

Although Darwin's ideas weren't completely modern.

For instance, he started and eventually refused to accept various varying ideas regarding heredity (which includes the inheritance of acquired characteristics, as envisioned by Lamarck) and never came to any rewarding conclusion about the way traits were transferred from parent to offspring.

In spite of what Lamarck got wrong in his postulations he can be credited with visualizing evolutionary change for the first time.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:22 PM

Evolution and adaptation: Behavioral Adaptations In Social Animals
Animal and plant adaptations and behaviours


Adaptations assist organisms survive in their ecological niche or habitat; adaptations can be in the form of anatomical, behavioural or physiological.

Anatomical adaptations are physical features like an animal's shape. Behavioural adaptations can be inherited or learnt and comprise tool use, language and swarming behaviour. Physiological adaptations embrace the capability to make venom; but as well more common functions like temperature regulation.

Adapted to extremes
Adaptation to extremes includes every special behaviours and physiologies that living things require to hold up the planet's harshest conditions and environments.

Whether it's a lack of oxygen at altitude, the scorching heat of deserts or the bitter cold of the glacial regions, plants, animals and other organisms have evolved a huge number of coping strategies.

Animal intelligence
Animal intelligence embraces behaviour that's well thought-out to be above the standard for an animal.

A few species may be unusually proficient at learning fresh skills or using tools. Others possess extremely developed social and even emotional skills and may even have developed a discrete culture, in a related way to human beings.

Behavioural pattern
Behavioural pattern explains an animal's dominant manner of life. Arboreal animals, for instance, live in trees and nocturnal animals are active at night.

Communication and senses
Communication and senses are the way an organism perceives the world - for an example through scent or sight - and the way it sends messages or warnings to others.

Ecosystem role
Ecosystem roles include the part an animal or plant plays in sustaining or maintaining the habitat in which they live. Bees, for instance, pollinate flowers, without which those plants cannot produce fruits or seeds. Other species, like dung beetles, play a crucial role in keeping grasslands clear of animal waste and recycling expensive resources.

Locomotion or movement:
Locomotion is the way an animal gets around - for example by swimming, flying or climbing.

Morphology has to do with what the plant or animal look like-Its physical appearance like - its size, shape, colour or structure.

Predation line of attack
Predation is the act of catching and killing an animal in order to use it as food and a lot of species have evolved varieties of strategies for catching and eating up their prey effectively.

The majorly repeatedly used methods are variations on chasing and capturing if the predator is a fast runner, waylaying to preserve energy, or making use of a trapping mechanism like a spider's web.

Reproductive line of attack
Reproduction embraces all the tactics and behaviours that are involved in capturing a mate, conceiving the after that generation and productively raising them. It involves everything from plants that are pollinated, to stags fighting over hinds, to lionesses babysitting their sisters' cubs.

Social behaviour
Social behaviour consigns the way animal interacts with members of their own species. For example, does the animal live in a colony or on its own, does it fight to be greatest of the pecking order, or does it strive to drive strangers away from its home?

Survival strategy
Survival strategies make it possible for organisms to deal with certain stresses, ranging from momentary environmental changes in the weather to the steady threat of predation.

So, for example, to avoid the cold of winter animals may migrate away or hibernate, while trees may shed their leaves.

To avoid predation, plants may be poisonous or covered with defensive spikes and animals may use camouflage or travel in huge numbers.

One behavioral adaptation developed by organisms to avoid predation is mobbing behavior. In this instance, members of the prey species jointly attack or constitute a nuisance to the predator.

This is illustrated in social animals like birds. Seahorses swim straight with their tails down, heads up.

They use a sit and wait strategy turning motionless until prey swim by and they snap and draw prey into their mouth.

Apart from this becoming a very good strategy for them to get food for their survival, while staying motionless, they are as well moving away from predators! Decorator crabs are capable of using materials in their surroundings to hide.

When they grow, they ought to molt and they shed their old shell.

They even make use of the sponges and other decorations from the preceding shell to decorate the fresh one!

An adaptation is a mutation, or genetic change, that assists an organism, like a plant or animal to survive in its environment.

As a result of the helpful nature of the mutation, it is transferred down from one generation to the other.

As more and more organisms inherit the mutation, the mutation or genetic change becomes a characteristics part of the species. The mutation has turn into an adaptation.

Structural and Behavioral Adaptations
An adaptation can be structural, which means it is a physical part of the organism. An adaptation can as well be behavioral, affecting the manner an organism acts.

An instance of a structural adaptation is the manner in which a few plants have adapted to life in the desert. Deserts are dry and hot places. Plants known as succulents have modified to this climate by storing water in their thick stems and leaves.

Animal migration is an instance of a behavioral adaptation. Grey whales migrate thousands of miles yearly while they swim from the cold Arctic Ocean to the warm waters off the coast of Mexico. Grey whale calves are given birth to in the warm water, and then travel in groups known as pods to the nutrient-rich waters of the Arctic.

Some adaptations are known as exaptations. An exaptation is an adaptation developed for a single purpose, but made use of for another. Feathers were almost certainly adaptations for keeping the animal warm but which were afterwards made use of for flight, making feathers an exaptation for flying.

Some adaptations, on the contrary, turn useless. These adaptations are vestigial: becoming but functionless. Whales and dolphins have vestigial leg bones, the remains of an adaptation (legs) that their ancestors made use of to walk.

Adaptations normally develop in response to an alteration in the habitat of an organism.

A well known instance of an animal adapting to an alteration in its environment is the English peppered moth.

Before the 19th century, the majority of regular type of this moth was cream-colored with darker spots. A small number of peppered moths displayed a mutation of being grey or black.

The Industrial Revolution has greatly altered the environment, the appearance of the peppered moth altered. The darker-colored moths, which were uncommon started to thrive in the urban atmosphere.

Their sooty color mixes together with the trees stained by industrial pollution. Birds couldn't spot the dark moths, so they ate the cream-colored moths as an alternative.

The cream-colored moths started to return after the United Kingdom passed laws that restricted air pollution.

Every now and then, an organism develops an adaptation or set of adaptations that form a completely fresh species. This process is referred to as speciation. The physical isolation or specialization of a species can result to speciation.

The broad multiplicity of marsupials in Oceania is an instance of how organisms adapt to a one-off habitat.

Marsupials, mammals that carry their young in pouches, arrived in Oceania prior to the land split with Asia.

Placental mammals, animals that carry their young in the mother's womb, came to control every other continent, but not Oceania. There, marsupials faced no competition.

Koalas, for example, adapted to feed on eucalyptus trees, which are native to Australia. The wiped out Tasmanian tiger was a carnivorous marsupial and adapted to the niche overflowing with big cats such as tigers on other continents.

Marsupials in Oceania are an instance of adaptive radiation, a type of speciation in which species develop to occupy a variety of unfilled ecological niches.

The cichlid fish in Africa's Lake Malawi put on display of another type of speciation, sympatric speciation. Sympatric speciation is the opposite of physical isolation. It occurs when species share the same habitat.

Adaptations have permitted hundreds of varieties of cichlids to live in Lake Malawi.

Each species of cichlid has an only one of its kind, specialized diet: One type of cichlid may feed on only insects, another may feed on only algae, and another may feed eat only other fish.

Organisms occasionally adapt to and with other organisms. This is known as coadaptation. Certain flowers have adapted their pollen to appeal to the hummingbird's nutritional needs. Hummingbirds have adapted long, thin beaks to take out the pollen from certain flowers.

In this relationship, the hummingbird acquires food, while the plants pollen is distributed. The coadaptation is advantageous to both organisms.

Mimicry is one more type of coadaptation. With mimicry, an organism has adapted to bear a resemblance to another. The not detrimental king snake (every now and then referred to as a milk snake) has adapted a color pattern that looks like the deadly coral snake.

This mimicry keeps predators away from preying on the king snake.

The mimic octopus has behavioral as well as structural adaptations. This species of octopus can mimic the appearance and movements of animals like sea stars, crabs, jellyfish, and shrimp.

Coadaptation can as well limit an organism's capability to adapt to fresh changes in their habitat. This can result to co-extinction.

In Southern England, the large blue butterfly adapted to eat red ants. When human improvement minimized the red ant's habitat, the local extermination of the red ant led to the local extermination of the large blue butterfly.

Vestigial Adaptations
Vestigial organs are adaptations that have turned useless to the organism. For example in man the vestigial organ is the appendix which doesn't serve any purpose. It was thought to be the leftover of when the food of man was majorly vegetation.

The coccyx is a vestigial tail and gill slit that are present in human embryos are vestigial organ as no human embryos have been found to breathe through them.

Social animals
Social animals like hanging out with members of their own species. But to be truly social, the group of animals isn't just a random collection of individuals.

Instead the members recognize each other (by scent or sight) and co-operate with each other in some way - for instance getting together to defend a communal territory.

As an example termites living in a single termite colony, is made up of individuals at different stages of the termite life cycle.

Generations of termites overlap, and there is a steady replacement with fresh adults prepared to take up the responsibility for the colony's care.

The community takes care of its young cooperatively. Termite communities are classified into three castes.

The reproductive caste is made up of a king and queen. The soldier caste of both males and females is particularly adapted for protecting the colony. Soldiers are larger than other termites, and are germ-free.

Finally, the worker caste is made up of immature males and females that do all chores: feeding, cleaning, construction, and brood care.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:20 PM

Morphological Variations In The Physical Appearance Of Individuals
Size, height and weight
Color (skin, eye, hair coat of animals
Finger prints
Variation in biology is all the differences which exist between members of the same species. It means any difference between cells, individual organisms, or groups of organisms of specific species caused either by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by the effect of environmental factors on the appearance of the genetic potentials (phenotypic variation).


Variation may be exhibited in physical appearance, metabolism, fertility, method of reproduction, behaviour, learning and mental capability, and other observable or assessable characters.

Genotypic variations are caused by alterations in number or organization of chromosomes or by alterations in the genes carried by the chromosomes. The colour of the eye, body type, and ability to resist disease are genotypic variations.

Individuals with numerous sets of chromosomes are known as polyploidy. A lot of common plants have two or more times the normal number of chromosomes and fresh species may arise as a result of this type of variation.

A genotypic variation cannot be identified by observation of the organism; breeding experiments ought to be conducted under controlled environmental conditions to decide whether or not the alteration is inheritable.

In genetic variation, the genes of organisms within a particular population may change. Gene alleles determine different traits that can be transferred from parents to offspring.

Gene variation is crucial to the process of natural selection. The genetic variations that exist in a population occur by chance, but the progression of natural selection does not occur by chance.

Natural selection is the effect of the interactions that exist between genetic variations in a population and the environment. The environment establishes the type of variations that are likely to occur.

More favorable characters are in that manner transferred to the entire population

Genetic variation takes place majorly through DNA mutation , gene flow -movement of genes from one population to the other and sexual reproduction. Owing to the unstable nature of the environment, populations that are genetically unstable will be capable of adapting to altering situations more than those that do not possess genetic variation.

Environmentally resultant variations may arise as a result of a particular factor or the joint effects of many factors, like climate, food supply, and activities of other organisms. Phenotypic variations as well involve stages in an organism's life cycle and seasonal variations in an individual.

These variations do not include any hereditary changes and in general are not transmitted to future generations; as a result they are not important in the process of evolution.

There are two types of variation; continuous and discontinuous Variation.

Continuous variation is variation that has no boundary on the value that can take place within a population. A line graph is used to showcase continuous variation.

Some examples of continuous variation are variations in:
• height

• weight

• heart rate

• finger length

• leaf length

Discontinuous variation is variation that has distinct groups for organisms to belong to. A bar graph is normally used to showcase a discontinuous variation.

Some examples of discontinuous variation are:
• tongue rolling

• finger prints

• eye colour

• blood groups

A discontinuous variation with a lot of classes, none of which is extremely small, is referred to as a polymorphic variation.

The separation of the majority of higher organisms into males and females and the occurrence of different forms of a butterfly of the same species, each coloured to blend with varying vegetation, are examples of polymorphic variation.

Human Morphological Variation
Human variation arises from a number of factors which can be bluntly classified as either genetic or environmental implanted into the process of evolution.

Population genetics take care of variation within a single species or groups made up of the same species and in this case -Homo sapiens.

Population genetics framed in an evolutionary structure is known as microevolution while macroevolution is concerned with evolutionary procedures which lead to the formation of various species.

The fundamental features of human variability and how these are framed in genetic and adaptive terms.

A) Size, height and weight
Body size
Heritability estimates for the majority of body size measurements entail that about 80% of the variation in body size is as a result of genetic factors and about 20% is due to environmental factors.

Sexual variation in body size is typical of humans, with females being 90-95% the size of males in the majority of all populations.

Advantages of having a large body size
There are a few advantages attached to large body size. They include: People with large body size are:

• Stronger.

• Better predators - a lion for an example can kill a broad type of prey than a house cat.

• Larger bodied organisms have an added benefit in colder climates according to Bergman's rule which states that:

The larger the animal the better it is at retaining heat. This is the reason why during the glacial times a lot of lineages of animals developed giant types. Human being follows this rule in a great way.

People who occupy the poles have the tendency of becoming larger on the average than those living near the equator, but there are many exceptions.

Larger people are commonly faster runners. The fact that their stride length is longer and that they can apply more force with each stride due to larger muscles gives them this benefit.

Advantages of small body size
1. Small people need less food and can better survive when food is limited. Famines kill people in order of size starting from largest to the smallest.

2. Smaller people are usually faster and more agile. This is as a result of the principle of inertia from physics. A larger body needs more force to be in motion and more force to change direction than a smaller body.

Distribution of body size
1. Europeans possess the largest average body size. It is in Europe where Bergman's rule is majorly vividly applied. The largest Europeans are from the far north, and the people farther south of Europe are smaller.

2. Africans have both the world's tallest and the world's smallest people. The Nuer, Masai, Watusi, and related peoples of East Central Africa are the world's tallest and among the world's largest. The Pygmies of congo-West Central Africa and the Khoisan of Southern Africa are among the world's smallest.

3. Asians and Native Americans normally fall in the middle ranges. Just a few populations could be taken as large e.g- the Samoans.

Body weight
The majority of the variation in body weight of humans can be classified into linear build and lateral build.

The extreme linear build is found in the earlier mentioned tall peoples of East Central Africa. These people are very tall and slender. The chests, shoulders, and hips are extremely narrow - the narrowest in the world for their height. Their limbs are very long, particularly the legs.

On the other hand, the highly lateral build is found in a few Asian and

Native Americans cultures-the Eskimos, Japanese, Samoans, Apache, and many South American Indians exhibit lateral build. A few Caucasoid groups as well exhibit lateral build, particularly the peoples of northern Europe.

Laterally built people have the tendency to develop long and broad trunks, with wider chests, shoulders and hips. The widest hips of all can be seen among Europeans. Their limb bones tend to be short and the legs make less of a contribution to overall height.

A lot of things about hair are variable.

1. Hair Color:
Generally, dark hair goes with dark skin and light hair goes with light skin.

You can possess dark hair with light skin, but it is rare to possess light hair with dark skin. People can as well different color of hair on different parts of their body.

Blond hair has little melanin and black hair and in reality very dark

Brown has a lot of melanin. Skin melanins are always brown while hair melanin can be either brown or red. Generally, brown melanin is stronger in color than red melanin and can cover it.

The distribution of hair color is almost completely a European feature, with the majority of the rest of the world's people possessing dark brown hair.

The farther north in Europe the more likely the hair is to be blond. The farther west in Europe you go; the greater the tendency of the hair to be red.

2. Hair curvature
The degree of curvature of the hair can be divided into 3 categories: straight, wavy, and curly. The shape of the hair follicle determines the curvature of the hair. Round follicles give rise to straight hair, oval follicles give rise to wavy hair, and disk-shaped follicles give rise to curly hair.

Straight hair is seen all over the majority of world population, including the Americas, Asia, and parts of Europe. Europe has the greatest hair variation in hair curvature. It ranges from straight to very wavy. The Middle East and North Africa have a lot of wavy and a few curly heads.

Subsaharan Africans range from curly to very curly. The curliest hair is found in the Khoisans whose hair is often so tightly curled that it is called peppercorn hair because it looks like pepper corns placed on their heads.

3. Hair length:
A lot of people are amazed that there is as well genetic variation in hair length. Just like in other mammals, every one of us has a particular hair length outside which the hair plainly won't grow. Hair length is longest in people who have round follicles, for the fact that round follicles appear to hold the hair better.

Eye color and type show another remarkable range of variation. The colored part of the eye-the iris surrounds the pupil of the eye and possesses muscles which dilate and contract the pupil. The iris has a lot of layers; two among the layers contain melanin. All eye melanin is brown.

The variation in eye color is as a result of the pigmentation of the exterior layer of the iris. The iris may or may not be pigmented.

Ears are very different in size, size of the ear lobe, protrusion, and whether the ear lobe is free or attached.

The African type of ear is a relatively small, non-protruding ear with small free lobes. The American and Indian type is the other extreme in average size and protrusion, and Asians typically have the maximum frequency of attached ear lobes. Europeans are the most variable and have ears that span the whole range of human variation.

Possessing different types of lips is exceptionally a human characteristic. Every human being has lips, which differ basically in the extent to which they are rolled up to expose the pink membranous portion.

This observable fact is known as lip eversion. Everted lips appear to have a slight capacity to cool the body due to the fact that capillaries run very close to the surface of the lips, and the slight moistness of the lips assists to cool the body through evaporation.

The majority of everted lips are found on the faces of some Africans and the least everted lips on the faces of some Europeans.



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:18 PM

Physiological Variations
Genetics deals with how a few characteristics are transferred from generation to generation, i.e. heredity, or inheritance. Just like the majority of living organisms, human beings exhibit variation.


If you consider roughly any characteristic, you will discover differences between different people or other animals or plants in a population. There are two forms of variation:continuous and discontinuous variation.

Features that show continuous variation differ in a general way, with a wide range, and a lot of intermediate values between the extremes.

As a matter of fact, if you consider a large enough model from a population, perhaps plotting frequency as a histogram or as a frequency polygon, you would discover that the majority of the values are close to the average (mean), and farthest range of values are essentially to a certain extent rare.

Height is an example of a continuously variation in so far as you take into consideration a constant sample, for instance a huge number of people of a specific age and sex.

It is normally difficult to give a straightforward explanation of the genetic basis for these continuously variation due to the fact that they result from a combination of genetic factors in addition to environmental influences.

Characteristics that exhibit discontinuous variation fall into a few very different classes. The capability to roll the tongue, and blood groups, are examples of discontinuous variation.

These characteristics can be explained much more simply by straightforward rules of genetics and are less likely to be affected by other factors.

Human physical appearance is referred to as the outward phenotype or look of human beings. There are countless variations in human phenotypes, though society minimizes the variation to different categories.

Physical appearances of humans, especially those characters which are known as crucial for physical beauty, are believed by anthropologists to considerably affect the development of personality and social relations. Humans are extremely sensitive to their physical appearance.

A few differences in human appearance are genetic, others are due to age, lifestyle or disease, and many are the result of personal beautification.

Physiological differences
Humans are dispersed across the globe with exception of Antarctica, and form an extremely erratic species. In adults, average weight differs from around 40 kilos for the smallest and major lightly built tropical people to around 80 kilos for the heavier northern peoples.

Size as well differs between the sexes, the sexual dimorphism in humans is more pronounced that that of chimpanzees, but less the sort of dimorphism found in gorillas.

The colouration of skin, hair and eyes as well differs greatly, with darker pigmentation authority in tropical climates and lighter in Polar Regions.

Factors Affecting Physical Appearance
A lot of factors are considered pertinent in relation to the physical appearance of humans.

• Genetic, ethnic affiliation, geographical ancestry

• Height, body weight, skin tone, body hair, sexual organs, moles, birthmarks, freckles, hair color, hair texture, eye color, eye shape, nose shape example nasal bridge, ears shape- example earlobes and body shape.

• Body deformations, mutilations and other variations like amputations, scars, burns and wounds

Causes of variation
A few of the characteristics possessed by an individual in a population can be said to be inherited. This means that they obtained from the past generation. These characteristics are transferred from generation to generation in a rather conventional way, due to sexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction as well introduces an atom of unpredictability, so that variation is brought about in a population.

These two approximately contradictory factors: reliable inheritance of characteristics from parents, and variation that exist within a population - are indispensable to the perception of the process of evolution.

Three examples of physiological variations that exist between human being are:

a)Ability to roll tongue

There are two classes of tongue-rolling ability:

Rollers and non-rollers.

b) Ability to taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)

C) Blood groups ABO classifications

There are 4 classes of blood group: A, B, O and AB.

The ABO blood group system
The antigens for the ABO system are a group of glycoproteins. Frankly attached to the red cell membrane is a protein.

At a definite segment of the protein is bonded a type of 5-carbon sugar, fucose. These fucose sugar molecules are known to as the H antigen, and interact with an antiserum known as anti-H.

The production of antigen H is controlled by a detached locus from that of the ABO blood group, but antigen H is closely linked with the ABO system.

The majority of people who possess an allele for blood type O have antigen H, and ought to more correctly be classified as blood type H. Therefore, the most correct way to explain this blood group system is the ABH system.

There are some individuals, who do not have the H antigen and just possess a naked protein chain hanging aloof their red cells. This is as well known as the Bombay blood type.

The frequency of the Bombay allele is anywhere around .0066, so homozygotes are very rare. This allele is normally represented as the normal H allele is dominant to it.

The allele for blood group A makes it possible for another sugar to be attached to the antigen H, fucose, and sugar molecule. This attached sugar is N-acetylgalactosamine (NAG), and is the A antigen.

The allele for blood group B makes a molecule of simple galactose sugar to be attached to the fucose molecule. This is the B antigen. The O allele causes the H antigen to remain unmodified.

People who are AA homozygotes or AO heterozygotes have mainly the A antigen, with typically a little free H antigen. In fact there are 4 dissimilar A alleles, the variations that exists between them are poorly understood, but which appear to vary primarily in the amount of H antigen that gets converted to A antigen.

So, they make differences in the strengths of the antigen-antiserum reactions to occur.

Nevertheless, specific antisera can be made to at least few of the 4 different blood groups subtypes, so there ought to be a number of differences in the actual antigen as well.

Most non-African populations have only A1 and A2 alleles, but Africans can also have Aint and Abantu alleles.

People who are BB or BO have more often than not the B antigen, with a little free H antigen. There is no chief variability in the B blood type.

People who are AB heterozygotes possess both the A and B antigens. Every one of the cell will possess more or less half of its H antigens customized into A antigens and about half customized into B antigens.

This showcases the phenomenon of codominance. Neither A nor B is dominant to the other, so the products of both alleles can exist in a heterozygote. Both A and B are dominant to O.

An individual does not usually make antibodies to any antigen which he or she personally has. The galactose and fucose sugars are widespread enough in nature, especially in disease carrying organisms, so people produce antibodies to these sugars if they are not part of their personal antigen system.

Consequently, everybody who is not blood group A will make anti-A antibodies. Everyone who is not blood group B will make anti-B antibodies.

Approximately nobody produces anti-H antibodies, but you can extract an anti-H antiserum from the seeds of the widespread gorse plant.

The major significance of the ABH blood group system is in blood matching for transfusions. If the donor and recipient are not matched in terms of their ABH blood types then the antibodies in the recipient's plasma may result to an agglutination reaction of the red cells from the donor.

This is a serious situation for the patient. Noteworthy though is that people with blood type AB possess no antibodies in their plasma, so they can in fact receive blood from anybody. This is why they are known as universal recipients.

Normally, the small amount of antibodies introduced with the plasma from the donor's blood doesn't lead to a very severe reaction in the recipient to cause any problems, even though it is still better to match blood types exactly.

Noteworthy as well is the fact that blood type O individuals have no A or B antigen. This means that nobody's antibodies can agglutinate their cells. This is why type O people are frequently called universal donors, although you may infrequently have problems with the antibodies in the plasma of type O blood.

A lot of other serum proteins, red cell proteins, blood groups, and antigen systems exist. What we have described here is a few of the main well known ones.

A Gene Mutation is an extremely rare occurrence really. A mutation in a single inheritable characteristic (gene) is normally less likely than one in a million, but immediately it has happened, it might be passed on to the next generation, along the same lines as other inherited characteristics.

Nevertheless, not every individual carrying mutation survives; the majority of them have been found to be harmful, so that the organisms carrying them are at a disadvantage. In the wild, that type of organism is not likely to survive.

However, a few valuable mutations confer an advantage, and others are neutral. They are of no advantage or disadvantage – in the slightest till there is a few reason for selection of adapted types to take place.

This may be a different reason for variation within a population. In fact, some variable forms resulting from mutation that are beneficial can spread through a population by natural selection, and this might have the eventual effect of altering a population to a great extent that it varies from its original form – leading to the evolution of a fresh species.

Chromosome mutations may as well lead to an alteration in the number of chromosomes included into the sex cells. A child produced as a consequence may possess, for an example, an extra chromosome, or an extra part of a chromosome affixed to the normal set.

Down's syndrome results in a child who possesses 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46 per cell.

A sample Class survey would normally include the following variables:

Continuous Variation Discontinuous Acquired
Name/ initials Height /cm, Arm-span /cm, Weight /kg Tongue roller? (Y/N), Ear lobe? (free/joined) Scars? (Y/N) Fillings? (Y/N)



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:15 PM

Application of Genetics in Agriculture and In Medicine
For thousands of years farmers and livestock "rearers" have been selectively breeding their plants and animals to create more useful hybrids. It was rather of a hit or overlook process since the authentic mechanisms governing inheritance were unknown.


Knowledge of these genetic mechanisms lastly came as a result of careful laboratory breeding experiments conducted over the last century and a half.

Plant breeding is a primeval activity, dating to the very beginnings of agriculture. Possibly soon after the earliest domestications of cereal grains, humans started to identify degrees of excellence amongst the plants in their fields and saved seed from the best for planting fresh crops.

Such provisional selective methods were the prototypes of early plant-breeding procedures.

The results of early plant-breeding procedures were prominent.

The majority of the present-day varieties are so adapted from their wild progenitors that they are incapable of surviving in nature.

In reality, in a few cases, the cultivated forms are so conspicuously dissimilar from existing wild relatives that it is not easy even to recognize their ancestors.

These outstanding transformations were accomplished by early plant breeders in an extremely short time from an evolutionary point of view, and the rate of change was perhaps greater than for any other evolutionary event.

Scientific plant breeding dates back barely more than 50 years.

The responsibility of pollination and fertilization in the process of reproduction was not broadly esteemed even 100 years ago, and it was not until the early part of the 20th century that the laws of genetic inheritance were acknowledged and a start was made in the application for plants improvements.

One of the main facts that has emerged during the short history of scientific breeding is that a massive wealth of genetic variability exists in the plants of the world and that only a start has been made in tapping its potential.

Genetics does not only handle the way in which characteristic are transmitted from one generation to the next, it as well illustrates how genes bring about the characteristics that they regulate. Scientists have been making use of genetics to bring about a lot of changes that benefit human beings.

Genetics as well does not only take care of the way in which characteristic are transmitted from one generation to another, but it also takes care of how genes bring about the characteristics that they control.

Genetics has a lot of practical applications which are of immense value to human beings. In agriculture, for instance, knowledge of principles of heredity is highly crucial when it comes to increasing food production.

The fat, beef and milk production cattle of nowadays are a far cry from the skinny animals that used to graze the fields decades ago.

A lot of our domestic animals have been significantly transformed by practical applications of genetic principles like selective breeding.

Selective breeding includes the cross-breeding of two parents, each with a few good traits, to create offspring with the good straits of both parents.

Selective breeding in livestock can be carried out through the means of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer.

Through the application of genetics, scientists have been able to produce domestic animals with superior qualities.

The same can be said of the plant breeders who have been victorious in manufacturing superior varieties of food crops that we have a surplus of these crops today.

Selective breeding has its remunerations. Fresh varieties of crops and livestock have been manufactured which have improved yield, improved resistance to pests and diseases, and with better nutritional value. These fresh varieties have assisted to augment local food production and reduce importation of foods.

In the field of medicine, research has shown that hoe heredity plays a part in a lot of disease. A lot of severe human diseases, certain of the eye, and disabilities like colour blindness and dwarfism are all predisposed by heredity.

For a lot of diseases, a correct diagnosis can be made more swiftly and precisely through a study of one's family history than through complex and exclusive laboratory tests.

Again, it is likely to avoid a lot of serious mistakes in diagnosis through genetic application.

Genetics is as well crucial in preventing medicine. In a few cases, it is possible to look forward to the development of a disease or other body abnormalities due to the family history. Therefore, suitable steps can be taken to stop its occurrence.

A person with a family history of diabetes might be ready for the onset of the disease and take the essential steps and precautions to put off it from getting worse.

There are even legal applications of the principles of heredity. Court cases involving questions of parenthood can be handled by an analysis of blood types and DNA. Crimes have as well been detected and handled and suspects been charged or set free through the use of DNA testing.

Therefore, we observe that the study of genetics promises to not only be interesting but extremely practical to humanity.

Goals of making use of genetics in Agriculture
The plant breeder normally has in mind a perfect plant that mixes up a great number of attractive characteristics.

These characteristics may involve resistance to diseases and insects; tolerance to heat and frost; suitable size, shape, and time to maturity; and a lot of other general and definite traits that contribute to enhanced adaptation to the environment, ease in growing and handling, superior yield, and improved quality.

The breeder of fancy show plants ought to as well reflect on aesthetic appeal.

Therefore the breeder can hardly ever focus attention on any one of the trait but ought to take into account the multiple traits that make the plant more helpful in achieving the rationale for which it is grown.

Increase of yield
One of the reasons for practically every breeding project is to boost yield. This can over and over again be brought about by choosing observable morphological variants. One instance is the selection of dwarf, early maturing varieties of rice.

These dwarf varieties are strong and give a greater yield of grain. Additionally, their early maturity frees the land rapidly, frequently making possible an extra planting of rice or other crop the same year.

Another way to increase yield is to grow varieties dead set against to diseases and insects. In a lot of cases the development of dead set against varieties has been the only practical method of pest control.

Maybe the most significant feature of resistant varieties is the stabilizing effect they have on production and therefore on steady food supplies. Varieties tolerant to drought, heat, or cold offer the same benefit.

Modifications of range and constitution
Another widespread goal of plant breeding is to make bigger the area of production of a crop species. A good instance is the modification of grain sorghum since its introduction to the United States about 100 years ago.

Of tropical origin, grain sorghum was initially confined to the southern Plains area and the Southwest, but earlier budding varieties were developed until grain sorghum is now a crucial crop as far north as North Dakota.

Advancement of crop varieties appropriate for mechanized agriculture has become a most important objective of plant breeding in modern years.

Standardization of plant characters is very crucial in mechanized agriculture due to field operations are much simpler when the individuals of a variety are related in time of germination, growth rate, size of fruit, and so on.

Standardization in maturity is, of course, essential when crops like tomatoes and peas are harvested mechanically.

The nutritional quality of plants can be to a great extent enhanced by breeding. For instance, it is feasible to breed varieties of corn (maize) much higher in lysine than formerly existing varieties.

Breeding high-lysine maize varieties for those areas of the world where maize is the most important source of this nutritionally vital amino acid has turned out to be a major goal in plant breeding.

In breeding ornamentals, consideration is made on such factors as longer blooming periods, enhanced keeping qualities of flowers, broad thriftiness, and other features that have a say to usefulness and aesthetic appeal.

Freshness itself is frequently a virtue in ornamentals, and the spectacular, even the bizarre, is often wanted.

Evaluation of plants
The evaluation of the worth of plants to enable the breeder to settle on which individuals should be discarded and which permitted to produce the next generation is a much more complicated task with a few traits than with others.

Qualitative characters
The simplest characters, or traits, to handle are those that include discontinuous, or qualitative, differences that are governed by one or some major genes. A lot of such inborn differences subsist, and they regularly have intense effects on plant worth and usage.

Examples are starchy against sugary seeds traits of field and sweet corn, in that order and determinant against indeterminant habit of growth in green beans (determinant varieties are modified to mechanical harvesting).

These types of variations can be seen readily and evaluated swiftly, and the expression of the traits remains the identical in spite of of the environment in which the plant grows.

Traits of this type are referred to as extremely heritable.

Quantitative characters
In other cases, however, plant traits grade gradually from one extreme to another in a continuous series and categorization into discrete classes is not feasible. Such variability is referred to as quantitative.

A lot of traits of economic advantage are of this type; e.g., height, cold and drought tolerance, time of maturity, and, in particular, yield. These traits are governed by many genes, each having a small effect.

Methods of plant breeding
Plant breeding devolves round the type of pollination or transfer of pollen from flower to flower.

A flower is self-pollinated (a "selfer") if pollen is reassigned to it from any flower of the identical plant and cross-pollinated (an "outcrosser" or "outbreeder") if the pollen comes from a flower on a different plant.

About half of the more significant cultivated plants are obviously cross-pollinated, and their reproductive systems embrace a variety of devices that support cross-pollination; e.g., protandry (pollen get rid of before the ovules are mature, as in the carrot and walnut), dioecy (stamens and pistils borne on dissimilar plants, as in the date palm, asparagus, and hops), and hereditarily determined self-incompatibility (incapability of pollen to develop on the stigma of the same plant, as in white clover, cabbage, and a lot of other species).

Other plant species, which includes a high proportion of the majorly crucial cultivated plants like wheat, barley, rice, peas, beans, and tomatoes, are chiefly self-pollinating.

There are comparatively few reproductive mechanisms that encourage self-pollination; the majority positive of which is failure of the flowers to open (cleistogamy), as in definite violets.

In barley, wheat, and lettuce, the pollen is shed previous to or immediately as the flowers open; and in the tomato pollination follows opening of the flower, but the stamens form a cone around the stigma.

In such species there is always a danger of unnecessary cross-pollination



21, male

  Worldwide Genius

T.L.C Staff

Posts: 70


from Femosky110 on 06/11/2020 01:13 PM

Probability in Genetics
Statistics and Probability Relevant to Genetics


Two basic rules of probability are useful in solving genetics problems: They are the rule of multiplication (or the rule of and) and the rule of addition (or the rule of or).

The Rule of multiplication states that the probability that independent events will occur concurrently is the product of their individual probabilities.

For instance:
In a Mendelian cross between pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color (Pp), what is the probability that the offspring will be homozygous recessive?

• Probability that an egg from the F1 (Pp) will receive a p allele = 1/2.

• Probability that a sperm from the F1 will receive a p allele = 1/2.

• The overall probability that two recessive alleles will fuse, one from the egg and one from the sperm, at the same time, during fertilization is: 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4.

The Rule of addition is that the probability of an event that can take place in two or more independent ways is the sum of the detached probabilities of the various ways. For instance:

In a Mendelian cross between pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color (Pp), what is the probability of the offspring being a heterozygote?

There are two ways in which a heterozygote may be created: the dominant allele (P) may be in the egg and the recessive allele (p) in the sperm or the dominant allele may be in the sperm and the recessive in the egg.

As a result, the probability that the offspring will be heterozygous is the sum of the probabilities of those two probable ways:

• Probability that the dominant allele will be in the egg with the recessive in the sperm is 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4.

• Probability that the dominant allele will be in the sperm and the recessive in the egg is 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4.

• Therefore, the probability that a heterozygous offspring will be produced is 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2.

The rules of probability can be applied to Mendelian crosses to establish the expected phenotypes and genotypes of offspring.

Important Notes:
• The Product Rule is utilized to determine the outcome of an event with two independent events; the probability of the event is the product of the probabilities of all the individual event.

• The Sum Rule is utilized to determine the outcome of an event with two mutually exclusive events from numerous pathways; the probability of the event is the sum of the probabilities of every individual event.

• The Product Rule of probability is utilized in the determination of the probability of possessing both dominant traits in the F2 progeny; it is the product of the probabilities of possessing the dominant trait for every characteristic.

• The Sum Rule of probability is utilized to determine the probability of possessing one dominant trait in the F2 generation of a dihybrid cross; it is the addition of the probabilities of every individual with that trait.

Probability is a number, between 0 and 1, expressing the exact likelihood of an event taking place.

Probability Basics
The empirical probability of an event is obtained by dividing the number of times the event takes place by the total number of opportunities for the event to occur. Empirical probabilities arrive from observations like that of of Mendel.

An instance of a genetic event is a round seed produced by a pea plant.

Mendel illustrated that the probability of the event "round seed" was guaranteed to occur in the F1 offspring of true-breeding parents, one of which has round seeds and one of which has wrinkled seeds.

When the F1 plants were afterward self-crossed, the probability of any given F2 offspring having round seeds was now three out of four.

In other words, in a large population of F2 offspring chosen at random, 75 percent were anticipated to possess round seeds, while 25 percent were anticipated to have wrinkled seeds.

Making use of large numbers of crosses, Mendel was able to determine probabilities and make use of these to forecast the outcomes of other crosses.

The Product Rule
Mendel illustrated that the pea-plant characteristics he examined were transferred as discrete units from parent to offspring. Mendel as well illustrated that various traits were transferred independently of one another and could be considered in different probability analyses.

For example, performing a cross between a plant with green, wrinkled seeds and a plant with yellow, round seeds gave rise to offspring that had a 3:1 ratio of green: yellow seeds and a 3:1 ratio of round: wrinkled seeds.

The traits of color and texture did not affect every other.

Consider how the product rule is applied to a dihybrid : the probability of having both dominant traits in the F2 progeny is the product of the probabilities of having the dominant trait for every trait.

Role of probability in segregation of alleles and fertilization

In a genetic cross, the probability of the dominant trait being expressed is depends on its frequency. In this case, both parents possessed a dominant and a recessive gene for the trait of flower color. The dominant trait is showcased in 3/4 of the offspring and the recessive trait is expressed in 1/4.

The sum rule can be applied to illustrate the probability of having just one dominant trait in the F2 generation of a dihybrid cross.

To practically make use of probability laws, it is essential to work with a huge sample sizes for the fact that small sample sizes are prone to deviations caused by chance. The large quantities of pea plants that Mendel investigated permitted him to calculate the probabilities of the traits appearing in his F2 generation.

This discovery meant that when parental traits were known, the offspring's traits could be forecasted correctly even before fertilization.

To make available a scientific context for our probability problems, we will use examples from genetics. Genetics is roughly unique amidst the sciences, in that its basic laws were stated as probability laws.

Thus the probabilities we calculate have an actuality as enduring frequencies, and are not merely subjective.

For instance, the probability a parent of blood-type O has a child of blood-type O is the number of times this event happens among the entire children of all parents of blood type O.

The value of studying genetics is in comprehending how we can forecast the likelihood of inheriting definite traits.

This can help plant and animal breeders in developing varieties that have more improved and desirable qualities. It can as well assist people explain and forecast patterns of inheritance in family lines.

One of the most simple ways to calculate the mathematical probability of inheriting a specific character was discovered by an early 20th century English geneticist known as Reginald Punnett .

His technique makes use of what is currently known as the Punnett square.

This is a simple graphical way of discovering all of the potential combinations of genotypes that can occur in children, given the genotypes of their parents. It as well illustrates to us the odds of every one of the offspring genotypes occurring.

Setting up and using a Punnett square is quite simple once you understand how it works. You start by drawing a grid of perpendicular lines:

Next, you put the genotype of one parent crosswise the top and that of the other parent down the left side. For instance, if parent pea plant genotypes were YY and GG respectively, the arrangement would be:

Take note that only one letter goes in each box for the parents. It does not matter which parent is on the side or the top of the Punnett square.

After that, all you have to do is fill up the boxes by copying the row and column-head letters across or down into the empty squares. This gives us the predicted frequency of all of the potential genotypes amongst the offspring every time reproduction takes place.

In this example, 100% of the offspring will probably be heterozygous (YG). Since the Y (yellow) allele is dominant over the G (green) allele for pea plants, 100% of the YG offspring will have a yellow phenotype, as Mendel discovered in his breeding experiments.

In another example (illustrated below), if the parent plants both possess heterozygous (YG) genotypes, there will be 25% YY, 50% YG, and 25% GG offspring on average.

These percentages are determined based on the fact that everyone of the 4 offspring boxes in a Punnett square is 25% (1 out of 4).

As to phenotypes, 75% will be Y and only 25% will be G. These will be the odds each time a new offspring is conceived by parents with YG genotypes.

An offspring's genotype is the result of the amalgamation of genes in the sex cells or gametes (sperm and ova) that fuse together in its conception. One sex cell came from every parent.

Sex cells usually have only one copy of the gene for every characteristict ( For example, one copy of the Y or G form of the gene in the example above).

Every one of the two Punnett square boxes in which the parent genes for a trait are placed (across the top or on the left side) in fact represents one of the two possible genotypes for a parent sex cell.

Which of the two parental copies of a gene is inherited depends on which sex cell is inherited--it is a matter of chance.

By placing each of the two copies in its own box has the effect of giving it a 50% chance of being inherited.

Why is it essential t for you to know about Punnett squares is that they can be utilized as predictive tools when considering having children. Let us assume, for example, that both you and your mate are carriers for a specific distasteful genetically inherited disease like cystic fibrosis.

Of course, you are concerned about if your children will be healthy and normal.

For this example, let us use "A" as the dominant normal allele and "a" as the recessive abnormal one that is responsible for cystic fibrosis.

As carriers, you and your mate are both heterozygous (Aa). This disease only afflicts those who are homozygous recessive (aa).

The Punnett square below makes it clear that at every birth, there will be a 25% chance of you having a normal homozygous (AA) child, a 50% chance of a healthy heterozygous (Aa) carrier child like you and your mate, and a 25% chance of a homozygous recessive (aa) child who probably will eventually die from this condition.

If both parents are carriers of the recessive allele for a disorder, all of their children will face the following odds of inheriting it:25% chance of having the recessive disorder 50% chance of being a healthy carrier 25% chance of being healthy and not have the recessive allele at all.

If a carrier (Aa) for a recessive disease mates with someone who has it (aa), the likelihood of their children also inheriting the condition is far greater (as revealed below). On average, half of the children will be heterozygous (Aa) and, therefore, carriers. The remaining half will inherit 2 recessive alleles (aa) and develop the disease

If one parent is a carrier and the other has a recessive disorder, their children will have the following odds of inheriting it: 50% chance of being a healthy carrier 50% chance having the recessive disorder.

It is likely that every one of us is a carrier for a huge number of recessive alleles.

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